Minggu, 21 September 2014

Everyone settles down with his body weight on an individual bandwidth. In addition, the weight curve is subject to the further down in the "weight, age, energy budget" section long-term trends described. Significant deviations from unknown cause, such as when the scale shows striking down, a doctor must clarify. Blame for unwanted weight loss are the one circumstances that bring an increased energy consumption. This can everyday stresses, changing lifestyles or certain diseases be, for example, an overactive thyroid gland. On the other hand, there are pathological changes associated with an increased energy demand. That is, for example, in certain gastrointestinal disorders with digestive disorders and nutritional deficiencies of the case. Secondly, a reduced food intake plays a role. Here, the appetite is often disturbed - sometimes an indicator of mental disorders such as depression. However, persistent abdominal pain that occurs in connection with eating, swallowing problems or frailty take the appetite. In many cases, there is overlap between the three groups. Significant also are side effects of drugs and other therapies, but also stimulants like alcohol and drugs.
